Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Finally some down time!

What a crazy few weeks! Between kids activities and our activities I feel like I haven't really been home in weeks. It's nice to finally just sit and take in the blessing that is my home. I am so thankful for my dwelling and for my family (the REAL home). I am doubly blessed to have found love again after losing my husband of 4 years in 2008. I know God has certainly found favor with me to have given me such a wonderful man to spend the rest of my days with. I am missing him tonight. The wedding is too far away. I know the time will fly and everyone says it will be here before you know it and I suppose that is true, but as fast as the months go it just doesn't seem to get closer. You know the Beach Boys song, "Wouldn't it be nice"? I feel just like that teenager most days. It's glorious! Ah to be young and in love... well, 1 out of 2 ain't bad!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Picking it Up

Wow - It has been a long time. I guess I just forgot I even had a blog. Life is good. I've got wonderful kiddos and I'm engaged to be married. Along with being happy and having someone love me just the way I am, I've put myself on the backburner and gained about 30 pounds. YIKES! I told myself I'd never let that happen again, but a pound here and there adds up quickly. It's time to get down to business. I love the fall weather - no more excuses, time to get out and enjoy some outdoor activities and get some exercise! The superwoman needs to find herself again. I know she's buried under this fat somewhere!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

FINALLY - Past the Plateau!

WOO HOO! Lost 2.8 this week. That means I finally broke past the 2 month plateau. I know 2 months seems like a long time with no change, but in the grand scheme of your entire life, it's not very long. If you've hit a plateau or even a gain, do not get discouraged, just stick it out and do what you know to do and your body will come around. I did pointpoint the source of my 2 lb. gain over the last few weeks. It's the water. The water in Commerce has tasted like dirt for over a month and since WW changed the requirement to 6-8 liquids a day instead of being "water" specific, I was drinking a lot of diet soda and not much water. I felt like I had gained about 10 lbs, not 2. My clothes were tight and my rings were not loose they they had been. I switched back to mostly water last week and things are back to normal, so I realize that was from water retention. 2 lbs would not have made such a drastic difference otherwise. So if you are starting slow, just get your liquids in, but the less carbonation, the better your result. Water Aerobics in Commerce at 11:00. WOO HOO!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Feeling Groovy

Today is weigh day. While I really hope the scale has budged in my favor - I refuse to be discouraged if it hasn't. I've been tracking my points meticulously and weighing/measuring my food this week. I started water aerobics today. I feel better and my clothes fit better, so no matter what the scale says, I know I'm back on track. "Thank you" to my good friends who are encouraging me with their own weight loss!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gotta Get Moving

Up until now, simply following the eating plan has been working, but I have hit the wall. I've basically maintained my weight for about 2 months. It's definitely attitude related. I am under 200 pounds for the first time in years and I've been resting on my laurels instead of using my success to spur me to my next goal. For one thing, I don't think I've created a "next goal". I know that if I want to speed my metabolism back up, I have to start moving more. I only have 1 more week of ballroom class, so that 1 hour a week of "exercise" will disappear until the fall. Since I moved in with my folks, believing it is a temporary situation, I have not unpacked my Wii. I think it's time to break it out. If we get to move, I'll just pack it back up! I keep saying that when I move back into town, I'll buy a bike and ride it everywhere. Or that water aerobics will start next month. What am I waiting for? Good grief - could I have any more excuses? Time to start moving - NOW!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Just a wish to all the supermom's - Happy Mother's Day! I hope you have a fantasic weekend and carry that blessed feeling into later days!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lost a little this week

I'm almost finally down to what I was last MONTH since I keep gaining and losing and gaining and losing. At least I know that in the long run, I'm headed in the right direction. My WW leader wants me to submit my success story (even though I'm not at goal yet) for the annual success stories contest. I think I'll do it. I wonder if I can just point them to the blog. :)